How to create an invoice

March 17, 2023

1) Click on Invoices

2) Click plus sign in top right hand corner to create a new invoice

3) Business: Select which business of yours you want to send an invoice from. You can see more on how to add a business to your Pallo account here.

This will determine the logo, business name, business address and correspondence email and phone number provided in the invoice. It will also determine which business's accounting this invoice counts towards.

4) Contact: Select which contact you want to send the invoice to. If you don't have any contacts in Pallo yet you can import them from your phone.

5) Invoice number: this is automatically generated per business depending on how many invoices have been sent from that business. You can edit this if you wish but we don't recommend it.

6) Issued at: this is the date you are issuing / sending the invoice. This is automatically generated. But you can edit it if you wish. Though we do not recommend this.

7) Due on: this is where you set when the invoice is due to be paid. It'll also be used to notify you when an invoice is overdue.

8) Add items:

9) Tags: These can be used to help sort your invoices later. This is not shown to your client.

10) Payment method(s): You can add as many payment methods to Pallo as you like. However, you can only have one Stripe connection per Pallo account. This is set by Stripe. For each invoice you can add whichever payment methods you like. Your client will have to confirm on their end when they say they have paid the invoice. You can also confirm on your end when you receive the money.

11) Payment Notes: This is a great place to leave payment instructions for your client. It will show in the payment section when your client goes to pay your invoice.

12) Reminders: Use reminders for Pallo to send you an action / notification when you should follow up with your client if they have not yet paid.


Click Review & Send


13) Cc & Bcc: You can choose to Cc and Bcc one person for each box. It's in our pipeline to allow you to Cc and Bcc multiple people. We're working on it :)

14) Subject: This is auto generated, but you can customise it if you like.

15) Message: This will be shown in the email sent to your client and is a way for you to personalise the email. We generate an automated message for you, but you can edit this and you can use our "Add invoice field" functionality to add data automatically to the message, such as "Customer first name". You can change the default message in settings. 

Click Send